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12 Essential SEO Tips for Beginners to Boost Traffic

Best seo tips and tricks for your business, tips to use for seo

Whether you’re a small business owner or run a Fortune 500 company, SEO has an enormous impact on the success of your business. Your SEO strategy determines how easily your target customers can find you. Given that 75% of internet users don’t even look past the first page of search results, that’s no easy task.

1. Target Relevant Primary and Secondary Keywords

Keyword research is the foundation of any good SEO strategy. If you know how to use keywords effectively, you can develop content that attracts more people to your website. The first step is to identify your page’s primary and secondary keywords.

2. Write Quality Original Content

Original content shows the audience your unique perspective and expertise and enables them to build a relationship with you. What’s more, search engine algorithms, especially Google, are designed to sniff out unique content. Those who practice good SEO and publish trustworthy original content are likely to increase searches

3. Format Your Content for Search Engines & Target Featured Snippets

Featured snippets appear at the top of the search results page on Google. They’re designed to answer a user’s question without requiring them to leave the page. They’re highly visible, helpful, and likely to attract organic traffic since they appear before numbered results. You might also see them referred to as SERP features.

4. Optimize Your Page Title and Meta Description

Your page title and meta description might be the first thing your audience ever sees. Users might decide whether to click or skip your page based on these alone. That’s a lot of power for so few words, so make sure they’re impactful.
